Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 5-6: Oakridge, OR

We arrived after dark the night before and woke up in a National Forest campgorund in an old growth forest. We had reservations for the next two nights at the Oakridge Hostel -- cool owners, great breakfasts, locked shed for bikes, and even a bike stand and tools. The first day we rode/hiked up Lawler and then back down. It was very cool to ride in such a lush dense forest as such things do not exist in Montana. The next day we planned to ride the legendary Alpine trail -- after a shuttle from the nice folks at Oregon Adventures -- except the lower portion of the trail was on fire and we were diverted to the longer and more challenging Alpine->Tire Mountain -> Cloverpatch route. As a reward for the several miles of gravel and pavement that closed the ride, we went the Brewer's Union Local 180 and consumed gigantic burgers, sweet potato fries and seriously delicious cask-conditioned beers.

Lush and dense.
More after the break....
Coffee and bike prep in the old growth.

Road to the trailhead.

Anytime is a good time for fruit salad.

A wee bit of scenery at the top.

And then we rode down.

Through the deep dark forest.

My favorite photo.

Post-ride beverages (Oskar Blues Old Chub Scotch Ale = awesome)...

...serious business.

And on to the Alpine Trail.

The trees, they are huge.

Riding bikes is fun.

What is this? Sunshine?

Just before the turn-off for Tire Mountain.

Peace. (Only in Oregon do they have such peaceful, hippy grafitti. I love it.)

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